Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bike Upgrades and Maintenance Day

Not the most fun of days. Josh didn't quite feel that his headlight would be able to do the job in the pothole ridden streets of central America so he bought a couple of high-powered fog lamps to mount. They are uber-bright, so much so that I think he may blind some oncoming drivers to our detriment. But they do look good.


(Is it just me or does his bike now look like the "princess" in Shrek?)

My troubles began during the buying of the bike when I noticed one of the paniers didn't quite shut in the wanted water-tight manner. I brought it up with Joshua Buck, the BMW motorcycle dealer, and he provided me with a couple of deeper lids to replace the existing ones. This was a good thing since it would allow a bit more storage but turned out to not fix the problem since one of the latches that pull the lid closed had sheared off. So today I took both of them apart to replace the lids, oil the parts, and fix the sheared pin (very exciting stuff, huh?). I used some J-B Weld (a two part epoxy type welding fix) and hope that by tomorrow it will have hardened.


And in the process of all this we were able to achieve the goal of making Greg and Steph's place look like a white trash house in a gated community. Ahh, the satisfaction.
